Temper Glass Machine
- 55-75 DAYS
The top series tempering furnaces with standard ultra-fine temperature control zoning and tapping temperature control system can not only produce ultra-high quality tempered glass, but also realize large-scale, efficient and stable production of high quality glass.
Equipped with the new North Glass Temperature Control System and the standard version of the no-gap convection system, the standard symmetrical heating technology, the production efficiency and glass quality have been greatly improved, and the energy consumption has been significantly reduced. It is the over-value choice for all types of glass deep processing enterprises.
Temper Glass Machine
KT-T Top Series (T-series)
A smat oombinalion of precse helling temperature oontrollengthwise and unformglass stess by cavedion arosswise canbring the idell oplical & anisoiropy qualtbes to tempered glassprodud, very sutable for the high quaity produdions dloversizetemperedglass especialy outanwall wthLowE glass.
The independent inellence Heating Control Module,codeveloped by NorthGlass and her professionall partners,enables a predse& stableheating control with dstindtadvantages of agily, swifness, anti-interference.
Finest symmehical layout of heating conrol zones, caneasilycontrol everydetailin glass heating. isveryhelpfultoproducethe tempered glass with toplvel quaity.
KT-A The 3rd Generation of Advanced Series ( A-Series )
An inovave concept of heating conrdl in glass temperingprocess can minimize theglass temperature deviationaffected by various fadors, by monloring the adual glasstemperature inside the heating chamber, thereby reduce theprocessing dfoully and improve the glass quality andyield.
Staggered arangement of 8-row blowing nozzles combining with patented quench secion lateral swing structure are adopted for even quenching and thereby slighter indescencewhich leads the world's top level glass optical quality.
KT-B The New Generation of Basic Series (B-series)
Double measurements, two calculating methods, selectionforbetter all these double guarantee the accuracy of glass lengthmeasurement and thereby assure the contnuily and stabiltyofglass production.
Each secion of NorthGlass furmnace is ontolled by adstributed lIЮ control based on Pofnet feldbus, easyforassembly and maintenance, stable & reliable for running.